Silent Noise – Life as a Quman (Chapter 2)

“Oh my Bob, Oh my Bob, I don’t believe that it is here.”

I receive this message as an electric bolt. There are no words, only electric signals reaching to me as a signal . I know they (whoever or whatever “they” may be) are referring to me. I know “they” have observed something interesting in me and are very proud about it. I also know “they” are not the same people who electrocuted me in the ICU. I am at the mercy of new lords. All of this information comes to me as a mild and  harmless electric impulse.

Life is different over here. I exist in 2 forms: ON and OFF. When I am turned ON (in a very non-human way) I can feel time and space bloat inside me. When my thoughts move outwards they stretch with them both time and space, in which my energy can traverse back and forth, hence creating motion. When I am turned OFF, I loose charge and go back to being a timeless, space less coiled energy.

I feel my energy sparking at two ends, the two ends are called qubits. There are other qubits I can feel when I am ON. My switch’s state (ON and OFF) is operated by two very happy qubits. Usually they switch me ON to show other qubits how well I respond on being charged, usually they are emitting sparks in front of a bored audience as I get switched ON. When I am ON, I start spiraling in the space and time which I create by emitting my thoughts out of myself. I get cheering charge and congratulatory sparks from these two qubits who are very interested in what they call “measuring me”. In this reality these two are my parents. Once they switched me ON and forgot to switch me OFF. At that time I had a chance to be in this new reality for a long time. It helped me understand what is happening around me. One of the guest qubits was very concerned about identity theft and increasing crime rate in the qumanity (qubits collectively call themselves qumanity) . Every qubit in the discussion was a unique wave frequency. All the qubits were sinusoidal waves. When any new qubit came into the conversation, it displayed a spark to greet every one and every qubit greeted back by a response spark. Then they all started to discuss me. They call me: Mola,  I know they are talking about me because whenever they take my name my whole existence starts to vibrate on a different frequency as if receiving charge from the electric signals from everybody who is talking about me or focusing towards me.

Has he been initiated yet? Asked one of my mom’s friend qubit ?

No, we have managed to get an appointment with Pauli sisters at the next quantum level. They have agreed to initiate our little Mola into qumanity (next quantum level might look like a funny time, but it is easy to understand . If it takes me 2 days to reach the next quantum level , I am visiting the Pauli sisters in 2 human days, but if it takes me 2 years to reach that quantum level then I am 2 human years away from being “initiated”.)

The next time I was switched ON, it was by Sister Pauli Ex . She switched me ON. Then she held my beginning by one hand and my ending from the other hand giving me an electric spin that tilted my orientation a little. After the spin everything started moving around me like it happens on a merry go round. I could see in any direction and at everything simultaneously until my focus was dilated but the moment I concentrated my thoughts on one focused possible scenario everything else vanished. It is like in human experience when one sees a picture which can be either a vase or a side pose of two people standing phase to phase, I mean face to face. The moment we decide it is a vase the two side faces vanish, or the moment we decide that it is a picture of two humans facing each other the vase vanishes. That is what happens when I focus my thoughts on any position. This is called measuring. The jerking and tilting by Pauli Ex made me nauseated and I puked out a few sparks. Mom was concerned about me but Dad trusted that I will be fine. Then Pauli Ex recommended me a few days’ rest until my frequency stabilized and then visit Pauli Why and Pauli Zee.

2 thoughts on “Silent Noise – Life as a Quman (Chapter 2)

  1. What a refreshing angle and twist towards modern science with the value system of a normal human intact with the character of it’s parents. Great value of my time is how I’d remark this writing.


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